Jack of all trades, 10++ years.
Private information- web3.js
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
- Truffle
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Python
- Javascript
- Rust
- Ethereum
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
Worked in multiple startups and bigger firms as data / full-stack engineer, but also as futures trader.
Most relevant experience - early developer in stablecoin project - building bridge between traditional finance and crypto for investors, publicly facing crypto wallet and some experience with deploying stablecoin smart contracts.
Also experimenting with blokchains in free time: https://coinsino.xyz/
Familiar with number of technologies, most recently python & typescript/nodejs.
Tech-wise willing to jump into less known to me tech stacks like: rust, c++.
Most interested in defi and trading related projects.
Interested in part-time / freelancer gigs, unless it's extremely interesting to join full-time.