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Hire a Developer29 Plutus Developers Available for Hire
I am a Plutus Pioneer. My background is in application development & smart contract development. I have experience with Haskell & Plutus and I have been involved with 4 projects on Cardano so far on a professional contract level. I am looking for a new opportunity ASAP.
Hi there! I'm a Smart Contract developer with 2 years of professional experience on Cardano network. Previously I've worked as FullStack developer, Data Engineer, and I have built 2 startups both on Web2 & Web3 ecosystem. I'm an expert at reasoning about problem/solutions and designing systems that clearly and efficiently implement solutions requested by clients. I have built 2 startups in the past, and raised funds for one of them as well, so I also have a lot of business experience. My current tech stack includes Haskell,PlutusTx, cardano-cli, Lucid/MeshJS, ReactJS and I can build fullstack applications on Cardano. Im looking for an opportunity, only on Cardano, and I am available to start ASAP. Looking forward to hearing from you.
- DeFi
- dApps
- Plutus
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Ethereum
- Cardano
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
All rounder Sr. Blockchain Developer
Hi there! I'm a Syed Zain Hasan with 5 years of professional experience based in Zaytrics Pvt Ltd. I'm an expert at smart contract, tokenization, Cardano, Ethereum, Polygon, FLow, and have significant experience using react and nodejs. I've worked on various Blockchain projects PROFESSIONALLY. For example I created the whole eco-system of True Crime Crypto (https://truecrimecrypto.io/) and ViseClub (https://viseclub.visewealth.com/) with other members of the team. I was the team lead in those projects, also I designed and deployed the smart contracts and the system architecture. I'm currently looking for a FULL TIME / FREELANCER as a Sr. Blockchain Developer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Plutus
- Substrate
- Ethereum
- Cardano
- Tron
- Cosmos
- Algorand
- Tezos
- Polkadot
As a Blockchain Enthusiast my passion towards learning Haskell started 2 years ago. With my constant dedication and learning I was able to secure a spot for being an individual contributor at the Summer of Haskell with the Haskell foundation. Taking up a Haskell course in Emurgo and now being an intern with Haskell Foundation,I have gained a solid foundation in Haskell . Additionally, my involvement in the project "Structured Error and Error Codes in Cabal-Install" as part of Summer of Haskell has honed my communication, individual work ethics and working in a dynamic environment, which I believe are essential for a successful work experience.
Hi there! I'm a Haskell/Plutus smart contract developer with 2 years of professional experience based in Toronto, Canada . Previously I've worked as a Sr.Systems Enginner at Infosys and special Assistant at Indian Bank. I'm an expert at SQL and Java and have significant experience using Haskell and Plutus. I am a certified Cardano Developer Professional from Emurgo and have created a Plutus smart contract for a Todo list as part of my course project. I'm currently looking for a [PART TIME / FULL TIME / FREELANCER] as a smart Contract developer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
- dApps
- Plutus
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Cardano
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
Full stack developer focused on blockchain
As a full stack developer, I have experience of web development for 9+ years and 3+ years of blockchain development. I have done many projects for social networking, e-commerce, and Blockchain projects. During development, I have more than 42 happy customers and built more than 89 large and small projects. Recently, I has built several blockchain projects such as DEFI, Token Swap Tool, P2E Games, NFT Minting page and NFT Marketplace. If you have a good idea to start or grow a business, I can implement it successfully. If you need, you can contact anytime with me and discuss about projects. Cheers.
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Vyper
- Simplicity
- Plutus
- Yul
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Ethereum
- Cardano
- Tron
- Cosmos
- Algorand
- Vechain
- Tezos
- Polkadot
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
Full Stack Developer | Javascript | Python | Solidity | Rust | Plutus
Full stack developer (MERN and Python), experienced in Blockchain(Solidity,Rust, Plutus) Passing Knowledge of Machine Learning and Statistics . Team player with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Ability and experience in working in high pressure environments and solving complex problems. Experienced in working with the MERN stack. Solid understanding of MongoDB, React and Node. Including advanced state management libraries such as MobX and Redux. Also experienced with Redis and mongoose ORM as well Experience in writing smart contracts on Ethereum and other EVM compliant chains (for e.g Polygon,BSC,Avalanche etc) in solidity and a solid understanding of the web3 protocol and integrating DAPPs with it. Additionally also experienced with building DAPPs on the Cardano Blockchain via Plutus
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Vyper
- Plutus
- Yul
- Substrate
- Ethereum
- Cardano
- Tron
- Stellar
- Cosmos
- Algorand
- Vechain
- Tezos
- Polkadot
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Frequently asked questions
- How much does it cost to hire a Blockchain Freelancer?
The costs vary based on the developer's hourly rate. You can expect to hire a developer for between $20-$100 per hour.
- How much does it cost to contact a developer?
It's free to filter through our network of developers but when you're ready to contact a developer, the fee is $199 per month. This gives you access to our network of 500+ export Blockchain developers, allowing you to contact them by DM or LinkedIn (50%+ response rate).
- Can I hire a full time developer and are there any additional fees?
Yes, you can hire both freelancers and full time employees. If employ a developer on a full time contract, there is an additional fee of 10% of the first year's salary.
- What does the fee get me?
A subscription allows you to reach out directly to developers on BlockchainDevs. It also unhides information that is hidden from the public, like the real names of developers and their portfolio links.
- How long does it take to hire a Plutus Developer developer?
You can start contacting Plutus Developer developers who are available to hire right away. Our developers reply within 28hrs on average. and you can expect response rates of 50%+.
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