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Hire a Developer232 Smart Contract Developers Available for Hire
More decentralized scheme
Hi there! I'm a Blockchain Development Engineer with three years of professional experience based in china. Previously I've worked as a Blockchain Development Engineer at startup company。 I'm an expert at Blockchain and have significant experience using solidity, node.js and golang. I've worked on various Blockchain projects IN MY PROFESSIONALLY. For example I created a uniswapv2 , nft, gamefi, erc20 I'm currently looking for a [PART TIME/ FREELANCER] as a Blockchain Development Engineer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
Web3 Developer
Hi there! I'm a web3 developer with 1 years of professional experience based in Accra,Ghana. Previously I've worked as a web3 developer at DappRadar. I'm an expert at Solidity, Javascript, Web3js and have significant experience using blockchain technologies. I've worked on various Blockchain projects in my spare time. For example I created a decentralized crowdfunding platform. I'm currently looking for a full time as a web3/smart contracts developer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
Fast Learner and enthusiatic about blockchain
I'm an expert at [solidity ,hardhat , ether,js ,smart contract] and have significant experience using this technologies. I've worked on various Blockchain projects in my spare time. For example I created a [Nft collection, whitelist dapp]. I'm currently looking for a [PART TIME / FREELANCER] as a blockchain developer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
Studious, Curious, Awesome-ious
Hi there! I'm a Smart Contract Engineer with about 2 years of professional experience in Nigeria. I am a certified NEAR blockchain developer having expertise in Rust, Solidity, Go, Typescript, and C++. I have significant experience using working with Web3 tooling and technologies such as Solana Metaplex and anchor framework, the NEAR Rust and TS SDK, and also Ethereum's Hardhat just to name a few. I've worked on various real-world Blockchain projects. I'm currently looking for EVM and Non-EVM smart contract development opportunities If you're interested in working together, feel free to contact me.
- DeFi
- dApps
- Solidity
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Ethereum
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
Product creator | UX fan | I’d love to build projects in blockchain.
I have been implementing ERP systems and enhancing business processes for more than a dozen years. As a contractor, I had the opportunity to participate in projects for the following clients: The Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARMA), Tesco Poland, the Ministry of Finance or the Polish Radio. In these projects I acted initially as a functional consultant, and now I am engaged in the role of implementation architect and as a main support for Project Manager. Currently, for more than year, I have been simultaneously responsible for organizing the work of the maintenance and development team regarding the solutions implemented for our clients. My main tasks are establishing customer service processes, overseeing project budgets, coordinating the teamwork, controlling the job of other consultants etc. During my career, I’ve also had the opportunity to lead several startups, where I was responsible for building the product (technology, architecture, data modeling, UX). I was also responsible for organizational and operational aspects in these projects. **This is what my professional and development path looked like so far.** About year ago, I came across issues related to blockchain networks. It made me curious and since then I have been closely reviewing various blockchain solutions considering technical, architectural and usability aspects of it. During the past year, I have managed to familiarize myself with various concepts and solutions - mainly from the Ethereum ecosystem. I have also been learning how to program and test smartcontracts in Solidity using Hardhat. So far, I have participated in several bootcamps and hackathons, and in the last EthWarsaw, my team and I won several prizes. I would rate my current level of programming skills at "Junior Level" and gradually moving forward. At a much higher level, I rate my understanding of various concepts and solutions - including solutions from the DeFi and DAO area, various protocols and understanding of project tokenomics. As I’ve learned more about blockchain, it matured in me that I would like to redirect my further career to these kinds of solutions. I strongly believe and I am convinced that blockchain will revolutionize our near future. I would like to be part of this process. I am currently looking for a place and tasks where my skills would be of value to ongoing blockchain projects. If your organization is looking for someone like this, I’d like to recommend myself to your attention. I would be very pleased to get the opportunity to discuss the possibility of our cooperation.
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Frequently asked questions
- How much does it cost to hire a Blockchain Freelancer?
The costs vary based on the developer's hourly rate. You can expect to hire a developer for between $20-$100 per hour.
- How much does it cost to contact a developer?
It's free to filter through our network of developers but when you're ready to contact a developer, the fee is $199 per month. This gives you access to our network of 500+ export Blockchain developers, allowing you to contact them by DM or LinkedIn (50%+ response rate).
- Can I hire a full time developer and are there any additional fees?
Yes, you can hire both freelancers and full time employees. If employ a developer on a full time contract, there is an additional fee of 10% of the first year's salary.
- What does the fee get me?
A subscription allows you to reach out directly to developers on BlockchainDevs. It also unhides information that is hidden from the public, like the real names of developers and their portfolio links.
- How long does it take to hire a Smart Contract Developer developer?
You can start contacting Smart Contract Developer developers who are available to hire right away. Our developers reply within 28hrs on average. and you can expect response rates of 50%+.
- Have another question?
For any other questions, feel free to get in touch.
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