Our clients are looking for Full stack developer Developers like you.
Blockchain Devs is the Reverse Job Board where Web3 companies apply to interview you. Stop scouring job boards and sit back as companies reach out to you first.
Companies apply to interview you
- Sit back as companies reach out to you first.
Work Part-Time or Full-Time
- Choose to work your own hours. Maximise your work-life balance.
Work from anywhere
- All jobs are 100% remote. Work from where ever suits you.
How it works...
Create an account
Our clients are looking for Software Developers, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Data Analytics, Games Developers and Smart contract developers.
Build your developer profile
It only takes a few minutes. We just need to ask you a few questions about your professional experience and availability.
Sit back and wait...
That's it. Now you just need to wait as Web3 companies reach out to you first.

Get a Full stack developer Job in Web3 now
Work 10-40 hours per week, 100% remote.
Frequently asked questions
- What can I expect to get paid?
It depends on your experience but typically developers set their hourly rates between $30 and $150. You can negotiate your hourly or daily rate with the company when they contact you.
- Do I need to apply for jobs?
No, BlockchainDevs is a reverse job board. In other words, you sign up, create a profile and then wait for companies to reach out to you.
- Can I sign up if I already have a full time job?
Yes, you can choose to work part-time - but we don't want you to get burnt out! Most of our developers work on freelance contracts - you should negotiate your working arrangements with the company when they contact you.
- Is BlockchainDevs free?
Yes - if you're a developer, Blockchain Devs is 100% free.
- Do I get paid through the platform?
No, once you are connected with the company, all payments and contractual agreements are taken care of outside of the platform. BlockchainDevs only connects you with companies.
- Who can I contact for more specific questions?
Email the founder – that's me, Phil! – with any questions. You can reach me here.