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Hire a Developer88 Cosmos Developers Available for Hire
A self motivated and Passionate web3 Frontend Engineer
Hi there! I'm a Front End Engineer with 4+ years of professional experience based in Abuja, Nigeria. Previously I've worked as a Front End Engineer at Glitter Finance, A Web3 and Defi Company transforming the Bridging Space. I'm an expert at working with frontend tooling and libraries like React, Next js and as well jquery. I am experience in using Web bundling Webpack and babel libraries. For testing I use jest and the react testing libraries. While having a bulk of experience in the frontend I have also backend experience in Node js and Express for server side tools. I've worked on various Blockchain projects both Professional and as Side Projects. I'm currently looking for a Part Time, Full Time, Freelancer as a Front End Engineer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
Smart Contract Developer | Rust Engineer | Solidity Expert
Hi there! I'm a Blockchain Engineer with 6 years of professional experience based in Philippines. I'm an expert at smart contract developing and have significant experience using Solidity and Rust. I'm currently looking for a PART TIME / FULL TIME / FREELANCER as a blockchain developer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Substrate
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Ethereum
- Cardano
- Cosmos
- Polkadot
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
Software Engineer
Passionate, solution-oriented and problem solver with 5+ years of experience building Web2 software, and 1+ years of experience building Web3 software. Skilled in communication, collaboration, and designing software. Proficient in utilising a variety of tools, libraries and frameworks to deliver business-specific programs.
Data Analyst | SQL | Python | Power BI | Excel | Tableau | Dune
I am Vi and I am a experienced Data Analyst based in Australia with 6 year experience in extracting and analyzing data into actionable recommendations. I have got 3 years exploring blockchain technology and cryptocurrency industry as a passionate user and researcher. My research includes DeFi, NFT, dApps, cross-chain wallets, on-chain data, new algorithms. I would like to have a position to practice more on my analytical skills and enhance my in-depth knowledge in the space. I am able to work independently and in a team across regions. Please contact to discuss more about what you need and how I can involve.
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Ethereum
- Cosmos
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
I'm a solidity developer that loves to explore the world of web3 and challenge myself to build great projects of value.
Hi there! I'm a Solidity developer with and have been working in Web3 since April. I am based in Pretoria, South Africa. I'm open to relocating should the opportunity meet my financial needs. Previously I've worked as a smart-contract auditor at a P2E gaming platform that is currently planning its launch and I currently am assisting some developers in building an African NFT marketplace. I'm an expert at writing smart contracts and using hardhat to test and deploy them. I also have significant experience using Nextjs, Solidity, Hardhat, Node.js, Ethers.js. Some of the blockchain projects I've done in my spare time include a simple DEX exnchange, an NFT Marketplace, a DAO, an ICO and a few more. I have also participated in the Ethglobal hackathon and built a charity Gofundme type platform using Web3 tools. I'm currently looking for a Part-time, or Full-time role as a solidity developer. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.
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Frequently asked questions
- How much does it cost to hire a Blockchain Freelancer?
The costs vary based on the developer's hourly rate. You can expect to hire a developer for between $20-$100 per hour.
- How much does it cost to contact a developer?
It's free to filter through our network of developers but when you're ready to contact a developer, the fee is $199 per month. This gives you access to our network of 500+ export Blockchain developers, allowing you to contact them by DM or LinkedIn (50%+ response rate).
- Can I hire a full time developer and are there any additional fees?
Yes, you can hire both freelancers and full time employees. If employ a developer on a full time contract, there is an additional fee of 10% of the first year's salary.
- What does the fee get me?
A subscription allows you to reach out directly to developers on BlockchainDevs. It also unhides information that is hidden from the public, like the real names of developers and their portfolio links.
- How long does it take to hire a Cosmos Developer developer?
You can start contacting Cosmos Developer developers who are available to hire right away. Our developers reply within 28hrs on average. and you can expect response rates of 50%+.
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For any other questions, feel free to get in touch.
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