Blockchain Dev
Private information- web3.js
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
- Truffle
- Openzeppelin
- Brownie
- Embark
- web3.py
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Python
- Javascript
- Rust
- Ethereum
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
Since mid-2021, I've immersed myself in the Web3 ecosystem, contributing to various projects that showcase my expertise in the following areas:
1. AA-ERC4337: Developed smart contract wallets, social recovery, and paymaster smart contracts to facilitate non-native payments.
2. Game-fi: Implemented non-collateral lending and borrowing systems with a reward-sharing mechanism.
3. Defi: Developed a DEX aggregator, concentrated liquidity manager and limit orders.
Presently, I work at CashFlow App its a all in one Defi Application, This project involves seamless integration of different DEXes, farming, and staking across diverse blockchain networks to compound users' earnings.
I'm currently looking for a PART TIME / FULL TIME / FREELANCER as a smart contract/backend dev. If you're interested in working together, please contact me.