Data & Platform engineer with experience in adTech, web3 and Gaming
Private information- web3.js
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
- Truffle
- Openzeppelin
- Brownie
- web3.py
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Substrate
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Python
- Javascript
- Rust
- Golang
- Ethereum
- Stellar
- Cosmos
- Vechain
- Polkadot
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
With a seasoned track record spanning 15 years, I've led engineering efforts in diverse sectors such as adTech, web3, gaming, and energy, serving in executive roles like CTO and Head of Engineering for powerhouses like Shell, indiGG, Wood Mackenzie, Disney, and Vibrant Media. As a UK-based Principal Engineer, my core expertise lies in Cloud, Data & Platform engineering, and Blockchain development, wielding proficiency in Python, Rust, Solidity, Golang, and NodeJS. My portfolio boasts of enterprise ledgers for supply chains, data analytics for web3 trading and gaming projects, and deployment of DAO and gaming smart contracts. I am currently seeking a Principal/Head of Engineering position, contract or permanent.