Full Stack Web3 Developer
Private information- web3.js
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
- Truffle
- DeFi
- dApps
- Solidity
- Teal
- Cadence
- Ink
- Ride
- Python
- Javascript
- Golang
- Ruby
- Ethereum
- Tron
- Cosmos
- Binance smart chain
- Avalanche
- Near protocol
- Nervos network
- Hedera
- Flow
- Waves
- Syscoin
šCreative software engineer with practical experience in website and blockchain application development. Loveto work with diverse talents in agile work environments. Meaningful and consistent communication is one of myfoundation blocks and in my opinion is the most important indicator of success in this field. And my strengths arecreativity and persistence.
With over a decade of experience, I've established myself as a highly skilled full stack blockchain developer,proficient in C++/JS, Vue, React, Python, PHP, Laravel, Wordpress, Rust, Solidity, and Ethereum smart contractdevelopment. As a vital member of an international talent team for the past 4 years, I've played a significant role inthe development and success of numerous DeFi, DEX, and NFT gaming projects.
Always eager to embrace new challenges, I am enthusiastic about exploring advanced opportunities in the blockchain field and making a lasting impact on cutting-edge projects.