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I'm a Software developer for 3 plus years, I have been able to build real-world applications and solve problems using Javascript, NodeJs, C#, angular, and .Net framework now Solidity.

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I'm a passionate web3 developer I'm looking for a job opportunity to work in the web3 space

Over the past 3years, I have been able to build real-world applications and solve problems using Javascript, NodeJs, C#, angular, and .Net framework.

My passion for web3 made me to enrolled in the Blockchain Nanodecree on Udacity ( and I completed the Polygon blockchain Bootcamp and hackathon where I was able to build DAPPs using Solidity, truffle, ganache, web3JS and deployed it on the polygon testnet for the hackathon ( ,

I'm also a Technical Writer, and a content creator (YouTuber and Instagram ), as a content creator I post content on tech and career.

----> Key-skills