Fullstack Blockchain Engineer
Private information- web3.js
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
- Truffle
- Openzeppelin
- Embark
- web3.py
- DeFi
- dApps
- Metaverse
- Solidity
- Substrate
- Python
- Javascript
- Ethereum
- Tron
Frontend and Blockchain engineer who's worked for various companies across several industries. Have been involved in the design and implementation of various web-based and blockchain systems and worked with diversified technology stacks. Currently, I enjoy working as a react frontend and Web3 developer, where experience and deep understanding of architecture and theory aremost impactful. Also worked as a core Web3 developer of 6 successful NFT collections on EVM(Ethereum) so far, and I'm proud of it. I value communication and trust most when working with remote teams.